#26 TRENDING IN Mental Health 🔥

7 Pieces of Advice That'll Change Every Teen's Mindset

Mental Health

Mon, January 20

Regret is an underlying fear in every teenager’s mind, no matter how much we try to deny it. There is no perfect life, or a particular criteria of what makes life ‘perfect’, but we can still learn a few tips from the generations before us. This article goes out to those who don’t know what they want with their life, and think it’s a fault on their part.

After days on end of reflecting, these are the ten most important things I think are most worthwhile for teens to think about:

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1. You think you know what’ll make you happy in the future - except you don’t.

We don’t desire our dream universities, jobs, or lifestyles because it’ll make us feel fulfilled. We have no way of knowing what’ll bring us joy in times to come. The human brain is incapable of knowing anything about the future for certain.

This makes it easy to feel like you’re failing if you don’t achieve what you wanted, but in reality, the outcome isn’t bad, it’s just unknown. On the same note, you don’t lack ambition for not yet knowing what you want to do with your life.

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2. Choose your friends wisely.

You have likely heard a distorted version of this generally overused advice. The people around you will always be the most influential in the process of figuring yourself out. Surrounding yourself with supportive people is crucial to your success.

The same can be said for cutting out toxic people. That said, no one can be a perfect friend, and competition is healthy. Associate yourself with people who push you to be the best version of yourself, and don’t cut off ties messily. Quietly distance yourself from people who try to tear you down.

Gabrowska from Unsplash

3. Yes, the world is out to get you. So what?

From time to time, we all victimise ourselves, blaming the universe for our problems. However, we have to recognize that life cannot always be an upward graph. That would be too easy.

There will always be challenges for you to face. The only thing you’re actually can change is your perspective.

4. Being kinder than you feel will always work in your favour.

Some days, we have this underlying urge to snap at every person who comes within a ten foot radius of us. This is normal. We’re changing, physically and emotionally.

Our feelings aren’t always on our side. Still, it is important to recognize that everyone has bad days. People were grumpy before. People will be moody after you. Give yourself space when socialising feels like too much. Don’t lash out at people who did nothing wrong. Even when it’s tempting. Gradually, you’ll feel more at peace with yourself and how you cope with your emotions, and that feels incredibly rewarding.

Bowo from Unsplash

5. Learning goes beyond school and studying.

Regardless of whether or not you know what you want to work as, regardless of how you imagine your future - welcome the idea of learning something new. Our knowledge is ever growing, and our curiosity is a trait we should nurture, not hide away. Set one goal for yourself: learn something new every day. Even if it’s as basic as the author of your history textbook - expand your mind to the world around you.

6. Quit stopping yourself from being happy in the moment as though happiness is an end target you arrive at.

Happiness is not a place to reach. It’s not a goal, or a destination. It’s a way of life, and it comes from accepting the things that are happening to you as they happen, good or bad.

Let yourself feel the bad days. They pass. Enjoy the better weeks. They pass too. Achievement doesn’t feel as good when you’ve anticipated it, and disappointment feels far worse when you were expecting success.

Fewings from Unsplash

7. Learn from your mistakes.

Mistakes can be your biggest advantage if you make it a point to derive a lesson out of them. It’s not criminal to do something wrong. It’s natural not to get everything right.

But really, it’ll only ever be useful to you if you learn something. The best part? It seems much harder than it actually is. If you are willing to be honest with yourself and grow past your errors, you could do just about anything you wanted.


So, in conclusion, there isn’t anything wrong with you. You are worth your desires and you are valued. The only thing that’s keeping you unhappy?

Yourself. We create problems that don’t exist. Allow yourself to live and feel in the moment.

It all gets easier from there.

Shahbano Malhi

Writer since Aug, 2024 · 3 published articles

Shahbano Malhi is a Year 10 GCSE student who enjoys exploring opportunities to be creative. She loves spending her free time reading, writing, singing, or painting.

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