You've heard of a zodiac sign, right?
Maybe you and your friends are fooling around on Instagram and you just so happen to come by a zodiac sign chart. It expresses what each zodiac signs reaction is to a certain saying or limerick of some sort. You read it aloud and laugh along at the answers claiming that you would or wouldn't respond to it like that.
But zodiac signs are much more that a game you laugh aloud with your friends.
Everyone is assigned a zodiac sign at birth dependent on you birthday. Each separate zodiac sign has its own unique qualities and desires. It is said that zodiac signs can predict the type of person you are and the kind you want to be. So today, we're going to test this theory by identifying your zodiac sign, and seeing if you match its characteristics.
I'm not going to go into too much detail because I don't specialize in this field of expertise. I'm just a teenager that has been in the same scenario with her friends and just wants to learn more about the different zodiacs!
If you don't relate to these zodiacs don't get offended or completely fall into disbelief about zodiacs. Sometimes they're wrong, or they just seem wrong because you don't want to believe it yourself.
Fun Fact: Zodiac sign predictions can also predict the zodiac sign of your soulmate. It is said that people with the same element are more compatible with each other.
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Date: March 21-April 19
Fire: Aries is a fire sign, sharing its element with Leo and Sagittarius.
Description: The people who are Aries more often than not are constantly making everything a competition. They love being number one in anything they are doing. They are very spunky and are most of the time in an energetically in a good mood.
With this energy and enthusiasm, they also have great organization. Everything neatly in its place. They will never miss a school assignment and will always do things two at a time to keep up! Their commitment and courage towards everything in life is one of their many strengths.
Their strong personality also comes with some faults. For example, when they get angry, they always place blame on the family and friends around them. Making them distant when anger veers closer.
Their temper would be a different story. When you see an Aries angry, turn the other way.
To learn more about your zodiac sign, click here.

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Date: April 20-May 20
Earth: Taurus is an Earth sign, sharing its element with Virgo and Capricorn.
Description: Taurus is one of those nice, hard-working with tons of friends. They're ambition is expressed through everything they do, a main reason why most people are probably friends with a Taurus. They're not too picky with friends or acquaintances, as long as they know that they can trust them. Trustworthiness is an aspect they admire, and they search for it in everything relationship they acquire.
With committed ness and hardworking, comes stubbornness. Taurus's aren't exactly known for their open-mindedness. They have their opinions and don't like conversing with others on theirs.
But their stubbornness can be seen as a strength to some. When in conversation, something that most people do while in argument over anything really, at one point someone will give in even if they don't believe the opinion the other is sharing. If a Taurus is in an argument, they'll watch the opposite person give in instead of vice versa. A trait like that I admire even.
To learn more about your zodiac sign, click here.
Date: May 21-June 20
Air: Gemini is an Air sign, sharing its element with Libra and Aquarius.
Description: I'm lucky enough to have multiple friends who are Gemini's because, in my opinion, they are the best friends to have.
Their loyalty is at an extreme level. There one of those types of friends who will tell you if there's spinach in your teeth, not the kind who doesn't tell you until last period when everyone's already noticed and laughed about it. Once you meet a Gemini and becomes even acquaintances with them, you can't shake them.
Like one of those kiddie tattoos that you can't wipe of, which in these scenarios I perceive is a wonderful thing. Their loyalty is underestimated.
Intelligence too. I haven't met one Gemini in my entire lifetime, who hasn't aced every class that they are found in. From that you can probably conquer that they do great things later on in life.
But intelligence comes with extreme blabbermouths. Gemini's love to talk and never are shy to. Not only that, because of their ability to start up and continue up a conversation for a long time, their friend list is endless.
Rachel mentions to Ross in Friends once that Ross was never able to seize the day. Gemini's amazing skill to talk can also be their greatest weakness, they almost never approach the problem or scenario they are more likely to talk about it. Like Ross Geller. Everyone comes with their flaws.
To learn more about your zodiac sign, click here.
Date: June 21-July 22
Water: Cancer is a Water sign, sharing its element with Scorpio and Pisces.
Description: Emotional as [censored], Cancer's feelings aren't as concealed as you may presume. Their emotions are not that skilled at being well-hidden, making them more focused and appreciative of the world around them.
But first meetings aren't their strong point. When first meeting a Cancer, you may anticipate that they're not the best person to become friends with, but once you go beyond the rough exterior, there is much a Cancer friend can offer. I myself haven't had the luxury of having a friend who is a Cancer, and I think I'm missing a certain part of myself.
Since I can't relate with personal experience, I don't know if these horoscopes are true. But I hope so, because a friend like this I would want.
The conversations they have with others are deep and meaningly, a simple small talk won't suffice. They like to know what the person conversing with what they're thinking, feeling and has experienced.
To learn more about your zodiac sign, click here.
Date: July 23-August 22
Fire: Leo is a fire sign, sharing its element with Aries and Sagittarius.
Description: High self-esteem comes with many perks, this is the case for Leo's. Leo's are lucky enough to never doubt anything they do, and will do whatever needed to succeed. They never lose focus on their objectives and will do all this with a complete amount of knowledge and understanding.
Everyone has their flaws, including Leo's. With their levels of self-esteem and leadership abilities, they can be a little self-absorbed, but in some way, we all are. But Leo has specific qualities that make this quality more apparent amongst others.
If something doesn't fit their schedule or fit into their criteria of fun, they are more likely to turn it down. This just makes it so if a Leo does accept to spend time with you or someone else, it's probably because they actually want to. Even with this flaw, Leo's have no problem making friends and some enemies along the way.
But with their characteristics, who wouldn't become envious? Some people just act on this envy in negative ways.
This isn't specific to all Leos, but a leisure activity some enjoy would be traveling. Seeing the world through a different point of view and discovering all the culture each country, city has to offer, wouldn't be that all bad.
It's nice to have a person like this in a friend group.
To learn more about your zodiac sign, click here.
Date: August 23-September 22
Earth: Virgo is an earth sign, sharing its element with Capricorn and Taurus.
Description: The basic Virgo adjectives most commonly are known to describe them are: smart, sophisticated and a consistent learner. Based off this description a clear picture of a Virgo has been reproduced in my head. Along with these characteristics, Virgo's love planning ahead, from the next day at school or their first vacation to Europe when they're 25.
Either way, this planning and sophisticated ness doesn't affect their social standing or the number of the friends that they have in their class. They can keep a conversation going and need to know that they can trust their friends before becoming full-on committed to their friendship. From there, they are not likely to betray you and with them, you will never be fazed out (unless you break their trust).
With all this planning and organizational skills, a Virgo's personality is very widespread and their bedroom probably reflects it quite perfectly like a Pinterest photo. As they are perfectionists, always looking for new ways to become better, they may have that same perfection selection on their friends, which concludes that their standards are quite high. That can shorten their friends list a little sometimes and can cause fights between those closest to them.
To learn more about your zodiac sign, click here.
After completing all these zodiac signs, I counted up my words and realized that if I were to finish up another six, my article would be exceeding the maximum word count for written articles.
So, I've decided to make it into a two part article. Those of you who are the other six zodiac signs, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but don't sweat because my part 2 will be published sometime in the next two weeks! Just make sure to stay tuned on the new articles The Teen Magazine publishes daily!