Books play a huge role in each one of our lives. And those who write books, influence a reader's life. Through their writings, they can bring the past narratives into the present. Getting to Know an author helps you understand their writing style and the themes their books show. Here are the top five authors that every teen must know:
1.Enid Blyton:

Enid Blyton, known as Enid Mary Blyton was one of the best English writers. Her books have been translated into 90 languages and have been very popular among children and teens. Her famous books are Noddy’s series, Famous Five, and Malory Towers.
Her writing style was effortless to understand. Her stories were a fusion of adventure and mystery and always had an engaging plot. The characters in her books ranged from fairies to pixies to goblins. My favourite series was the Amelia Jane series. Amelia Jane is a doll who is always finding ways to make the toys in the nursery fall into trouble. Thus, the toys in the nursery always try to teach a lesson to Amelia Jane.
2. Charles Dickens:

Photo by Maria Tyutina from Pexels
Charles Dickens was one of the most famous English novelists who created excellent characters ranging from Oliver Twist to David Copperfield to Mr Bumble. He wrote 15 novels, five novellas and more than a hundred short stories and nonfiction articles. His most famous books are A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, The Pickwick Papers, and A Tale of Two Cities, his timeless classic.
Moreover, Charles Dickens creates a very detailed setting, describing every little thing present in the environment. This makes his writing style more unique, transporting you to a completely different world. His stories have a deep meaning that makes a profound impact on every reader’s mind.
3.Louisa May Alcott:

Louisa May Alcott is one of the most famous American Novelists. She is best known for her novel, “Little Women” and its sequels. She began to write from a young age and used“A.
M. Barnard,” as her pen name. Her books always impart a valuable lesson about kindness, empathy, and compassion. Her stories tend to be a bit complex yet simple to understand. Her books tend to focus on the warmth and love that comes out of relationships. “Little Women”, is one of her most memorable books, depicting characters in society and life from the 19th century. The book focuses on the love, affection, and joy of sisterhood among the four March sisters. Through this book, Louisa May Alcott can show each relationship, conflict, and fight uniquely for the audience.
4.Ruskin Bond:

Ruskin Bond is a renowned Indian Author who has written 500 short stories, essays, and novels. His most famous books are “The Room on the Roof”, “The Blue Umbrella” and “Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra”. Ruskin Bond’s writing style is simple and easy to understand.
His stories are filled with vivid imagery, irony, similes, and metaphors. His writings are influenced by his experiences in Dehradun and the hill stations at the foothills of the Himalayas. His stories leave a great impact on the minds of young readers. His unique portrayal of the characters in his books and the vivid description of nature make him stand out and showcase his deep connection with the environment.
5.Lucy Maud Montgomery:

Lucy Maud Montgomery was a Canadian author best known for a collection of novels, essays, short stories, and poems. She published 20 novels as well as 530 short stories, 500 poems, and 30 essays. She is best known for her book “ Anne of Green Gables” and its sequels.
Her writing style is very flawlessly poetic, vivid, and descriptive. She describes every little thing present in Prince Edward Island and transports you to a whole different world. Her writing style reflects the beauty of nature and a strong sense of realism. Her books focus on compassion, resilience, the power of imagination, and kindness.
Therefore, I think it is important for us to know about the authors of our favourite books. We learn how their writing journey began and what inspired and impacted their writing style.