#35 TRENDING IN Activities 🔥

Top 3 Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone


Fri, February 07

We all live in our own bubbles. We do everything that is comfy. We lie in our beds all day, watching television, scrolling social media, playing games, and letting our brains rot.

This is what is called a comfort zone, a very liveable place that nobody wants to get out of. Despite knowing it is dreadful for us, we still don’t want to exit.

However, when we ask whosoever, every single individual on earth wants to be successful in life. But how will we be successful unless we can get out of our comfort zone? Success is not a comfortable procedure.

You have to be comfortable being uncomfortable in order to be successful. That is the reason why we have to embrace change and exit from the grim comfort zone.

In this following article, I will advise 3 most important methods that will definitely get you out of your comfort zone if you follow them properly. And I guarantee my suggestion will work 100%.

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1. Plan Your Day

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Image Credit: mangomatter from pixabay

Planning is the most vital thing that a person who wants to develop should do as always. By planning, time-management skills will be improved, which can bring oodles of opportunities. In addition, planning will turn you into the person you have always wanted to be.

Thus, planning is like the big first step for everything. In order to grow out of your comfort zone as well, it will be the most important yet major thing to do.

In spite of having so many types of planning methods, I would like to recommend to you my personally favourite technique of all time. The following is the one!!

Step 1: Notebook

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Image Credit: Pexel from pixabay

Choose whatever notebook you like; it can be your pocket notebook, regular notebook, or notebook application from your phone, like "notion." One thing to be careful of is that when you consider taking notes with your phone, make sure that you do not click on any social media, which is one of the biggest enemies in development. Instead, go straight to your application and do your things.

Step 2: Actually Plan the Day!!

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Image Credit: Pexels form pixabay

Once you are done choosing your supplies, it is time to actually plan your day. You can either plan the whole day or plan only the major tasks to do. For me, I only plan the things that I must do throughout the day, such as study, read, go to classes, and so on.

Everyday tasks like taking a shower, eating breakfast, and more are not included on my list. But if you want to add them to make yourself extra-strict for the schedule, you can do so. One thing to note down is that when you plan, make sure that your tasks are realistic, easy-to-do, and productive at the same time.

Step 3: Actually Do What You’ve Planned

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Image Credit: kaboompics from pixabay

I am pretty sure most of the people who are trying to improve might plan, but they may have one big problem. That is “actually doing what they’ve planned.” Of course, sticking to your daily goal is challenging. For me, it was difficult too.

But I found a way that changed me completely, which is “Minimising the distractions." The biggest enemy here is social media. Therefore, put your phone on silent and create a distraction-free environment. By that, you will be more focused on the tasks you are working on.

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2. Focus on the Present

Free Woman Morning photo and picture

Image Credit: ashiqraazz from pixabay

So to get out of your comfort zone, you need to focus on the present. It seems pretty simple, but once you try it out yourself, it is not what it looks like. However, it is completely possible if you approach with the right strategy. My personal favourite methods of all time are practicing “Deep Breathing” and using the “5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique.”.

Deep Breathing

In order to practice that method, first you should close your eyes and focus only on your nose or stomach. Breathe in and breathe out for at least 10 times, mindfully. This will make your mind stay in the present.

Use the 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique

This method focusses on the 5 senses. In order to do that, you have to do the following:.

5: Name 5 things you can see.

4: Name 4 things you can hear.

3: Name 3 things you can feel.

2: Name 2 things you can smell.

1: Name 1 thing you can taste.

By following this, you will be more mindful and get yourself out of your comfort zone.

3. Do What Interests You

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Image Credit: asundermeier from pixabay

Last but not least, the most practical as well as effective method that I will recommend is “doing your interest." That technique simply means that whenever you find yourself in your comfort zone, get up and do what you like. It can be your hobby, such as drawing, reading, listening to music, or doing DIY. These activities can reduce anxiety, boost enjoyment, and most importantly, help you develop, which is the essential part of growing out of your comfort zone.

In conclusion, staying in your comfort zone might make you feel comfortable and excellent, though it will keep you from reaching your full potential. Therefore, so as to succeed and be productive, you must exit from it. In this article, I have provided you with my top 3 most practical and beneficial methods that you can actually use. So, please do use my tips, and I can guarantee you will find yourself away from your comfort zone.

Linn Autumn
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Writer since Jul, 2024 · 5 published articles

Linn Autumn is an academic weapon who loves to read and listen to music in her free time. She is so interested in writing and sharing knowledge. She is an outgoing, interpersonal, and naturalistic person. 

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