#53 TRENDING IN Personal Growth 🔥

Be a Surfer: a Marvelous Metaphor for Our Ideal Lifestyle

Personal Growth

April 15, 2022

The image of a surfer is not as ordinary as most people have always thought. Yes, it is a metaphor for determination, willpower, positive energy, and most importantly, adaptable abilities in every situation in life. No matter whether the waves are either high or low, a good surfer would know pretty well how to manage them.

The same as in our lives, it is fascinating if you know how to adjust your demeanor according to dissimilar circumstances. Sometimes, you have to be humble, and lower your ego towards a big wave. In contrast, you need to take your chances, and unhesitantly surf forwards towards an average one.

Why should we try to be 'a surfer' ?

Our world has kept changing every single second, every moment, and yes, the change of directions, trends and people's prevailing sentiment are unavoidable. So, instead of being super subborn, always staying in the same position, and then eventually being swallowed by the big wave, why don't all of us try to be a surfer once?

A good example of 'a surfer' is chemeleons. They are known for a distinct range of colors as they are able to shift into different hues and brightness; fundamentally, their colors camouflage continuously to protect themselves from predators and also adapt to diverse living environments.

Covid-19 is also a set example of that. Though we were all struggling at first as this virus has made our life turn upside down as well as disrupted our daily activities. Well, but we have adapted pretty well by learning and working online, successfully finding vaccinations, right?

How to be a good surfer?

1. Regularly Guessing possible scenarios

Highly adaptable people are those who can envision diverse scenarios and think about coping strategies. They are always in a ready position and proactively handle quickly changing problems.

So make a habit of asking yourself "what if" questions before you start either working or studying. Asking questions and guessing possible scenarios help us prepare, practice looking at problems from a future perspective, and plan the next direction. From there, solutions to problems can be given wiser.

2. Actively explore and learn new things & breaking bad Former Though

Life will be way more riveting if you are willing to comprehend any novel knowledge at any time. Besides, try not to be conservative or stubborn, as you'll never get better by being like that. Breaking the bad unwanted habit is also a skill you need to acquire in order to be a good surfer.

Being proactive in even the smallest things helps you to be a pioneer, and be able to approach new things. Eventually, your background is gonna progress day by day.

3. Take failure as a lesson.

There is neither an ideal nor a smooth, easygoing path to success. We will encounter different obstacles and barriers that will test our ability as well as our attitude. So, being failed is supernormal and the thing is, you'd better learn how to stand up from that, how to deal with that next time. Remember, it's nothing to be embarrassed or discouraged about.

Just see your failure as an opportunity to make it more complete, more efficient. Get out of your comfort zone, embrace change and experience it. Thus, you can combine them with valuable lessons from experience, since every skill needs to be cultivated and perfected every day.


Aside from those tips above, a perfect surfer also has to know in which circumstances to be humble, in which circumstances all bravery needs to be gathered to finally beat the waves out. Of course, actions speak louder than words, and, yea, the world is yours, feel free to explore and remember: try to be a SURFER.

Vi Cao
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Vi is a writer from Vietnam. She is studying in the US as a high school student. Vi loves watching movies, reading books in her free time. Hope you will have a good time while reading her articles.
