#58 TRENDING IN Mental Health 🔥

10 Tips to Survive Quarantine Without Going Crazy

Mental Health

April 30, 2020

It's so easy to feel bored while in quarantine. It can feel like you are constantly mindlessly eating, sleeping, and scrolling through your phone. To make these days full of fun, here are some ways which are truly entertaining and interesting to do!

1. Learn new things

Some of us usually don't prefer reading books, but there's no problem in giving it a try. I'm not only talking about school or academic books, but there subsist several interesting books to read. You can search them online like archive.org/details/texts. There prevail numerous other online book reading websites.

Moreover, there are some books like: "The perks of being a wallflower”, ”Harry Potter”, ”Murder on the Orient Express”, ”O’ Henry 100 selective stories” etc which stands pretty fascinating to read. Furthermore, some book based topics on which books can be found, are - ”Science Fiction”, ”Horror Story”, ”Comics”, "Detective stories" and so on. You can acquire books from the library or can read numerous books from Kindle.

Image Credit: Valeriia Miller

Again, if you don't have a Kindle reader, you can always go and download it from the play store or app store. Reading books doesn't always imply that you have to accumulate information all the time. It's simply a way to use up the leisure times and refresh our minds.

2. Make craft items

There are miscellaneous exquisite and creative things to make, like making different things with polymer clay, decorating your room, DIY things, etc. You can also search in Google or Pinterest about "HOW TO MAKE CRAFT ITEMS AT HOME" and many other websites that will give you ideas. If you have a craft book you can learn different crafts from there or can directly watch the tutorials on YouTube.

Image Credit: Marta Branco

3. DIY your bedroom

It is known to all that even sometimes we want to do things but because of a lack of ideas, we can't do it. If you want to make your room more beautiful then search and gather some ideas from Pinterest or Google and choose the perfect design which goes with your style and makes your bedroom like the way you want it to be. I promise it will be so much fun and you'll not even get bored.

Image Credit: Andrea Devis

4. Exercise more

Exercise is very much important to do. Being quarantined can become a great hamper in your daily life which can make you unhealthy gradually. Keeping ourselves fit is very much important.

So if you can't go out you can exercise at home. Just follow the regular exercises and that will be enough. Don't try something extra to do at home as it may be dangerous. You can also, do gymnastics, push up or middle splits which will keep your body flexibility no matter how long you stay home. If you have a treadmill in your home, then I'll highly recommend walking or running on your treadmill as walking is an important exercise in our daily lives.

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5. Make drawings and paintings

Drawing increases passion. If you can't draw it's okay but I will highly suggest you try it once. If you don't have any ideas then just search for some on the web or simply can do whatever comes in your mind. You'll do great. Not only it increases your passion but it's also a good way of passing time.

6. Watch movies with your family

Everyone loves to watch movies. It's really fun and entertaining to watch. But because of our daily activities, we rarely get time to watch them. However, now that you are quarantined so it is your chance to watch as many movies as possible.

You can watch many interesting movies on Netflix or also can watch on iMovie or iTunes as most of the movies aren't available on YouTube. Yet, you can watch many serials on youtube like ”Chicken girls” or can watch short films like ”The girl without a phone” or ”Total Eclipse”. They are really fun to watch. Again, if you want you can also download free movies from here: https://www.tech21century.com or from the ”Utorrent” app.

7. Try indoor gardening

You can't go outside the home in quarantine without any special or important reasons. So it's obvious to feel bore. Some of us like gardening, but can't go outside even in the yard for restrictions. But who said you have to stop doing what you like?

You can't go outside but you can plant your favorite plant inside your house. Indoor plants are also as beautiful and fresh as the outdoor plants. But if you prefer gardening outside then I guess it's better to wait until the quarantine is over.

8. Make plans for the future

I know it very well that you don't have many plans when you are quarantined, but as you have got this time, then why not convert this time by making it better? Though I guess most of you already have made your yearly plans but still if you haven't already, then you can do it between these days.

9. Bake

Many of us like to bake in our free time which is also very fun. You can try different types of new recipes for cooking. Again you can also make cakes, cookies, chocolates, etc If you don't have a recipe book then just gather it online or you can also watch tutorials onYouTube.

10. Arrange rooms and study

As you’ve got enough time for this quarantine, you can always try to make the best use of it. You can arrange your drawers, closets, shelves, can clean and vacuum our furniture and can categorize them. You should keep them clean and organized.

Do your homework, take notes, and at least try to do your projects. If you finish these tasks earlier then it will be extra easy for you to complete your school/college syllabus.

Not only they will help you later, but also it will make you be prepared for your upcoming exams.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Though you already have many things at home and many things to make yourself busy with but still, everyone can't stay at home without going outside. Everyone needs to communicate with their friends, family, relatives, and other peoples. If you miss them then just FaceTime them or text them and I hope you'll feel well after talking with them.

Atia Sanjida
5,000+ pageviews

Writer since Mar, 2020 · 4 published articles

Atia Sanjida is a highschool student who loves to explore new things. Besides having great enthusiasm for music, she adores the creativity for art and illustrations.

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